Elementary Homecoming Celebrations for this week are Thursday and Friday! Go Bulldogs!!
Miss Pals' class enjoying some books and sunshine to celebrate reaching 50 BARK cards!!! Way to go guys!!!
Please come out and support this program and have some great food! GO BULLDOGS!
Testing this week
4th Grade getting familiar with our PBIS goals and guidelines.
All parents who paid for a student pass through SchoolPay should have received an email with the information on how to get access their pass(es). If you purchased an activity pass and did not receive an email please contact Christi Weiser at cweiser@hdcsd.org or 641-456-4893.
Beginning Thursday, August 26th North Side Preschool parents will pick up their child by the office windows near the main entrance at dismissal. Look for your child's teacher. When parking your car please remember to only park in the parking lot during dismissal.
Happy First Day of the 2021-2022 school year!! It's a great day to be a BULLDOG!
Middle school fall sports practices will begin Thursday the 26th after school. Please remember to get your physicals and concussion forms turned in.
Thank you.
You just can't keep Teachers from teaching or LEARNING! Here are our elementary teams digging into the new SEL curriculum for the upcoming school year!
This scrimmage is against Belmond-Klemme and begins at 7:00 PM starting with the Varsity team. There will also be a JV & a Freshmen/Sophomore session in between Varsity sessions. Please come out and support our young men!
Tonight will also be a Gatorade scrimmage if each spectator can bring one in order for the teams to use this season at games.
Activity passes for the 2021-22 school year will be available for purchase as follows:
Go to hdcsd.org and click on the Activity Season Pass link then click on "Get Passes" and proceed to payment. Once the ticket is purchased directions will be given for how to download to your phone.
Download the HomeTown Fan app, Search "Hampton-Dumont High School", Click on All Event Pass and proceed to payment. Once the ticket is purchased you will have it in your app.
When attending events, those with phones can have their pass scanned for entry. If a phone is not available the pass holder's name will be searched by the ticket staff and they will be admitted.
JV and 9th grade scrimmage to begin at 5:00PM
Varsity scrimmage to begin at 6:00PM
Please come out to support these Lady Bulldogs!
Please remember to sign your student up for before school conferences! They can meet their teacher, see their classroom, and find their locker!!
Conferences will be held August 23rd from 12:00 to 8:00.
Youth Volleyball Camp Opportunity:
Registration includes a volleyball! A special signing from the High School players on the last day of camp will be available! Camp will be held four Sundays in August (8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th) Return the following form and payment to Coach Miller. Go Bulldogs!
Hampton-Dumont Cal Cross Country information is attached. Anyone wanting to give cross country a try is more than welcome!
Please email Mrs. Moorehead is you have any questions or concerns. Tmoorehead@hdcsd.org
Hampton-Dumont-CAL 2021 Youth Football Camp
Information in the link about an upcoming youth football camp. Please note that any new registrations as of right now will not receive a camp shirt because the order has already been placed.
Supplies for 2021-2022
2021-2022 Registration Information
Graduates of 2020 - - If you have not picked up your revised diploma cover from last year, please do so as soon as possible. They are available in the high school office. Thank you!